and Vision
“I see BFS in my kids when they engage people in the world. I see how they speak and treat others. They are kind.”
– BFS Parent
How can revisiting and redefining our school’s mission statement and vision help us better align with our core values, adapt to evolving educational needs, and foster a stronger sense of purpose and direction within our learning community?
In partnership with a chosen partner firm, we will revisit and reaffirm our school’s mission and vision statements, creating a Communication, Marketing, and Branding Re-design plan that will engage colleagues, families, students, alumni, and community partners.
Via every communication medium, internal and external, we comprehensively and boldly reflect our school’s identity in all of its promising ways. We have a method for consistently measuring success and coverage of our school’s stories and lived experiences.
Click on each of our 8 initiatives to read more about what is driving this process.
Misson and Vision Reassessment
Read more: Misson and Vision Reassessment -
Our Quaker Identity
Read more: Our Quaker Identity -
Self-Study Analysis and Continuous Revelation
Read more: Self-Study Analysis and Continuous Revelation -
Enhancing Curriculum and Pedagogy
Read more: Enhancing Curriculum and Pedagogy -
Professional Growth and Development
Read more: Professional Growth and Development -
Equity and Social Impact
Read more: Equity and Social Impact -
Social-Emotional Learning and Well‑being
Read more: Social-Emotional Learning and Well‑being -
Our Physical Home
Read more: Our Physical Home

“Going to BFS literally changed the arc of my life and made everything that followed possible.” - BFS Alum